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Air Classifier

Air Classifier
Air Classifier

Air Classifier range and specification

Feed (Kg/Hr)
Motor (HP)
Dimensions (Meter)


All the data given are nominal only. It may vary widely from case to case depending upon many factors.

Use of Air Classifier:

Varahi Air Classifier is to Classify Cement, Flour, Chemicals, Pigments, food colors, Minerals, Sand, Cement, etc.

About Air Classifier:

Centrifugal type closed circuit Air Classifier is to separate coarse and fine dry powder material from 60-350 mashes. This machine is not grinding material but for getting uniform size of powder at out-let. It can either remove coarser particles like free iron, their oxides, grit, silica, heavy impurities, OR fine/light foreign material as to de-dust a product. Deflector blades produce centrifugal force and air current to separate particles and impurities on weight basis.

Material fed into inner tube from inlet hopper. Rotating distributor plate distributes powder radilly outward into upward sweep of circulating air stream generated by deflector blades. Every particle is got downward gravity force and upward air stream force. Gravitational force is higher on grits and impurities due higher weight. Upward air stream force is not enough against gravity force. Particles prevails gravity force than flows downward force and pass it through tail cone. Light weight (fine) particles move upward because air stream force is more than gravity force on it. Both raw of Whizzer blades are provide to adjust resistance to particles by add/remove blades. It helps to reduce or increase the escape of particles towards deflector blades. Whatever Particles pass through both whizzers will discharged into circular space between inner and outer drum due to centrifugal force and discharged through center fine cone. Air after releasing fine in outer cone returns through the deflectors vanes to the inner cone, setting up a continuous air circuit. Thus heavy particle discharge through tail cone and fine are through fine cone. Fine and coarse grade separation ratio is varying from 95-5 to 60-40. Pattern of classification can be change by regulation and controlling air stream. Air stream can be reduce by closing air dampers and increase by opening. Dual purpose is removing heavier impurities for better quality and removes grit of particle for better size distribution.

Classifier Design:

Self-contained unit is consists one or two disc with whizzer blades rotate inside cone. Top chamber is consists rotating deflector blades. Material feeding tube is mounted co-axially inside hollow shaft. Fed material distributor is fitted bellow lower whizzer hub. Heavy-duty bearing is fitted in housing for support vertical hollow shaft. Hollow shaft, whizzer blades, distributor plates, and deflector blades are rotated by motor to produce the internal air circuit. Upper/lower whizzer cones, outer/inner drum, damper, deflector vanes, fine/tail cone, bearing housing and hopper are fitted in body.
